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NewsWrap: July 12

Tbilisi, Georgia’s Pride events are halted by Orthodox Church-inspired attacks on activists and journalists until thousands demonstrate against homophobia, the brutal mob beating death of gay Samuel Luiz in Spain prompts protest marches across the country, queer-supportive WeChat accounts run by LGBTQ university students in China suddenly disappear with little explanation, the European Court of Human Rights’s first ruling based on gender identity favors a transgender Russian woman’s bid for contact with her children, human rights activists and the European Parliament increase pressure on Hungary to abandon its new ban on queer representations in schools and media, Ohio’s Republican governor signs a law allowing healthcare professionals to refuse to treat patients based on their “moral” objections, the Presbyterian Church in America bans the ordination of gay priests and disparages homosexuality in general, and Utah’s anti-LGBTQ Mormon-run Brigham Young University sees its first unofficial Pride march.

Produced by Brian DeShazor
Written by Greg Gordon and Lucia Chappelle
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